The Age of Innocence

Ah, the good old days when we thought nothing wrong of something which today would pour public outcry if it were ever published or put on a billboard or even advertised in your Sunday paper. Somehow we lost our innocence, some of us more prematurely than others. I’ll never forget what my friend in 8th grade told me about what happens to a penis when it enters a vagina. He said; it either turns green or purple. He was dead serious about it and a bit scared too, and I wouldn’t blame him. Well, I exclaimed, that will never happen to you with me, it’ll turn bright gold. 🙂
53-19104-unintentionally-sexual-retro-14-1409013889Ah, the joy of your first golden shower…who can ever forget that?


53-19105-unintentionally-sexual-retro-20-1409013888Yes, you may have a Promise Ring, but how can you go on without dick???

53-19106-unintentionally-sexual-retro-1409013888Hans, how do you like my new Leder, you wanna take a closer look???

53-19112-unintentionally-sexual-retro-1-1409013890Chemistry class sure told young Billy an important lesson; never face a test-tube with balls attached to it…. 

53-19101-unintentionally-sexual-retro-18-1409013888Yes Doris, just like that. Someday all this will come real handy both in your career and personal life.

53-19102-unintentionally-sexual-retro-17-1409013888There are snake charmers and than there are Frankfurter ones. She’s truly gifted, that must weigh, what, like 15 lbs???

53-19108-unintentionally-sexual-retro-4-1409013889Yes Cooper, that’s how you take and enjoy it. I’s all part of a young men’s dietary needs.

53-19103-unintentionally-sexual-retro-11-1409013889This is how Durex got its idea about XXXL condoms….If it’s good enough for a bear it’s good enough for a man, right?

53-19115-unintentionally-sexual-retro-21-1409013891Ah, the joy of wrapping your mouth around something so delicious. No wonder women liked the brand.

53-19110-unintentionally-sexual-retro-1-1409013890The Ambiguously Gay Trio, trying to help those “poor” boys from the danger of swimming together. Safety first!

53-19672-unintentionally-sexual-retro-10-1410802144The title got me hooked. I read page after page until I arrived at the one from which the book takes its title. It should have been called One Helluva Blow – How Premature Ejaculation Ruins Everything.

53-19109-unintentionally-sexual-retro-8-1409013889…and who can forget the Ministers Quartet singing what would become the National Anthem for the Vatican, and no, it’s not Ode to Joy….

Publshed on April 6th 2015


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