Male Erotica – All You Need is Men

“The admiral laughed. “Did I forget to mention that Regelence is a very patriarchal society? So much so, in fact, that the aristocracy makes certain their offspring, especially their heirs, are male and genetically altered to have a preference for the same sex.” – My Fair Captain by J.L. Langley, futuristic (2007)

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Anna Karenina Revisited

“I’ve always loved you, and when you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be.” ― Leo TolstoyAnna Karenina
Life at a halt

In Response to “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, As Allegory to the Terrors of the French Revolution” by The AntiNietzsche

I’m so glad you wrote about Mary Shelley and her book; because I have never read it nor have I ever seen the movies made from it, except of course Young Frankenstein, which is hilarious.

Since I was humble enough from the start to admit my ignorance on both the book and its author I’m going to focus my comment on your excerpts and commentary and from on a personal point of view (as always) and more in regards to the French Revolution.

Our innate attribute to seek, find and explore the unknown, whether it be in our personal lives, in the world surrounding us, or the unknown out there in the universe as well as quantum physics, we are driven not by what we know and have learned thus far, but by what we don’t know and the mysteries which surround any of said subject matters. In the case of Frankenstein and you equating of this novel to the French Revolution, you make a bold move towards intertwining fiction with reality, which in this case I’m happy to say was very correct. In “Limits To My Empathy” you write and I quote “In my honest opinion, quite a few people who care strongly about a humanitarian issue end up becoming so engrossed in the presumed righteousness of their position they let their empathy and passion cloud their objectivity and rationality (I offer the various sociopolitical movements of the 19th and 20th Century as an example of this problem).” I’m quite sure; part of this remark was in part in regards to the French Revolution. I’m sure you will agree with me when saying the French Revolution can be used as a blueprint for all other revolutions of the 19th and 20th century. As an absolute resolute counter-revolutionary, I’ve always felt it was my duty to remind people that any revolution of any form is never the answer to socio-economic injustice. I see revolution as the beast from hell which after being summoned on earth it eats off those who called upon IT in the first place before devouring the rest of humanity. Continue reading

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