Beautiful Men – Joey & Efren

Who can resist a Latino man? I mean, everything about them just screams sensuality and warmth and sure as hell I would love both of them right now. Photography by Tim Ricks, visit

Joey & Efren (10)

Joey & Efren (3)

Joey & Efren (9) Continue reading

Beautiful Men – Bruno Pacheco

Brazilian hunk Bruno Pacheco was born in São Paulo, Brazil. As always Brazil continues to offer la creme de la creme of amazingly beautiful men. He’s not only an absolute Adonis and a dream for many men and women around the world  but also a very talented DJ who has seen himself playing in such venues as MexicoLondonIstanbul, ChinaAthens and more. The rest is yet to be seen, and I hope I’ll get to see more of this rare beauty. Once again, thank you Brazil!

Bruno Pacheco 1

Bruno Pacheco 1 (2)

Bruno Pacheco 1 (3) Continue reading

Latin Beauty – Flexing on the Beach



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São Paulo Beach – Ode to Lovers Past

No one can deny by now my fascination with Latino-men. There’s always been a certain appeal to their beauty, the way they speak, how warm and passionate they are compare to other lovers I’ve had from other regions of the world, and it is to those memories I dedicate this post, to the men in my life which with their warmth have brought me something to cherish for the rest of my life, as well as to all my followers in Latin America / South America….Enjoy…

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