It’s a really well executed detailed analysis of human=currency. To give you a more hands on example let me describe to you what it felt like to work for T-Mobile and have to do a credit check before you drafted a new contract.
From the start (as you may know), you go into this site provided by the company where you enter all the customer’s information (name, address, social security #) and so on. After all this amount of data is imputed and goes dog knows where, you get a score (as you know). Now try to imagine the look on my face and the customer’s when I had to tell him/her that in order to sign a contract with T-mobile he/she had to cough up $500 deposit. More over, you could see her/his expression of just utter shame and resignation because he/she felt worthless due to past deeds, and financial screw ups (which of course doesn’t mean it was their fault). Now I dare anyone to look at me straight in the face and tell me I matter cuz I’m a nice person when I’m about to sign a lease, or take out a loan, or get a new cellphone carrier contract signed. I just dare anyone to do that and see what happens.

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